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"Ey should ha' said 'westerly' i' stead o' 'yeasterly," cried Jem, "boh yo puzzle a mon so wi' your lawyerly questins, that he dusna knoa his reet hond fro' his laft." "Yeigh, yeigh, we aw meant to say 'yeasterly," added the hinds. "You have sworn the contrary," cried Nowell. "Secure him," he added to the grooms and Sparshot, "and do not let him go till we have completed the survey.

We shall have Master Potts run away with, or thrown into a moss-pit. Better give him something quieter." "It's Sir Roaph's orders," replied Peter, "an ey darna disobey 'em. Boh Flint's far steadier than when yo seed him last, squoire. Ey dar say he'll carry Mester Potts weel enough, if he dusna mislest him." "You think nothing of the sort, Peter," said Nicholas.

Tib erected his back, and glared like a tiger, but he seemed unwilling or unable to obey the order. Alizon, who had completely recovered her courage, regarded him fixedly, and apparently without terror. "Whoy dusna seize her, an tear her i' pieces?" cried the infuriated child. "He dares not he has no power over me," said Alizon. "Oh, Jennet! cast him off.

"Who is it?" cried Sukey and Nance together. But no one could answer the question. "He dusna look loike a bein' o' this warld," observed Blackrod, gaping with alarm, for the stout keeper was easily assailable on the side of superstition; "an there is a mowdy air about him, that gies one the shivers to see.