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If it's all the same, gentlemen, I'd ruther change pasture. 'Guess I'll do it now." "'Can't always have your 'druthers. 'Guess you won't," said Rod. "But look a-here. All of you ain't so blame unfriendly to a stranger. S'pose we count noses." "What in Vermont fer?" said Rod, putting up his eyebrows.

"But if I had my druthers, I'd druther you'd figure out some way to get all the ammonia out of the joints of this suit." The other men, sniffing and coughing, agreed in attitude if not in voice. It wasn't really as bad as they pretended; indeed, the odor of ammonia was hardly noticeable. But it made a good griping point. The inner door opened at last, and the men straggled through.

An' she don' want to ma'hy him, if dey give her her druthers about hit. But Ol' Marse Kunnel Hampton, her gram-pa, and her aunt, MY Miss Lucy hyah, dey ain't gwine give her no druthers. And dey was mo' gwines-ON. But dat settle HITse'f, too." George, he begins to chuckle, and I ast him how. "Yass, SAH, dat settle HITse'f.

"If it's all the same, gentlemen, I'd ruther change pasture. Guess I'll do it now." "'Can't always have your 'druthers. 'Guess you won't," said Rod. "But look a-here. All of you ain't so blame unfriendly to a stranger. S'pose we count noses." "What in Vermont fer?" said Rod, putting up his eyebrows.

"Well, then, I'm as SORRY as you are. Any way you druther have it, that is the way I druther have it. He " "There ain't any druthers ABOUT it, Huck Finn; nobody said anything about druthers. And as for " He forgot he was talking, and went tramping along, studying.