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He'll lead me to this one. I'll take care of him. Now go; will you please go back?" "I don't " A frantic scream from a boy's throat and in the same instant the lifting cry of a younger child. Clear in the door-space of the tent, behind them, two little figures clung together in the opening and just at one side, close to the children, a dark, ungainly shape!

"We thought they might be here," Artois said. "They are not here." Her voice was almost hard, almost rebuking. She was still standing in the door-space. "I will go back and look again, Signora." "Si," she said. She turned back into the room. Artois held out his hand to Gaspare: "Signore?" Gaspare looked surprised, hesitating, then moved.

And at first I wanted to take the door clear off of its hinges and stand it outside against the bricks, and leave the whole door-space wide for Him. But I've learned better. No man wants to leave the doorway of his life unguarded. He must keep the strong hand of his controlling purpose on the knob of the front door of his life.

Before any sod had been laid, the eldest brother had marked out on the ground with a stick a nine-foot square, and in one side of it had left a narrow door-space where two scantlings were driven in upright to serve as sides of the casing. Then, with the dirt lines as a guide, he had begun the walls, giving them the thickness of two sods.

Again, a black boy and his gin slept in an outhouse across the door-space of which they, as usual, made a fire. In the morning', Billy found himself, not in the corner where he had gone to sleep, but close to the fire, and moreover his left arm was "sore fella." With a dreadfully serious face he related his experiences.