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While Fathers Garreau and Mesnard found death among the Algonquins on the coasts of Lake Superior, the Sulpicians Dollier and Gallinée were planting the cross on the shores of Lake Erie; Father Claude Allouez was preaching the gospel beyond Lake Superior; Fathers Dablon, Marquette, and Druillètes were establishing the mission of Sault Ste.

One of the Jesuit fathers, Allouez, in founding the station of St. François Xavier on Green Bay, Lake Michigan, had gained further information about the wonderful Mississippi, which he called "Messi Sipi". He also thoroughly explored Lake Nipigon, to the north of Lake Superior. In 1669 two missionaries, named Dollier de Casson and Galinée, started from the seminary of St.

Qui vive! in the dawn." Some one touched Iberville's arm. It was Dollier de Casson. Iberville turned to him, but they did not speak at first the priest knew his friend well. "We shall succeed, abbe," Iberville said. "May our quarrel be a just one, Pierre," was the grave reply. "The forts are our king's; the man is with my conscience, my dear friend." "But if you make sorrow for the woman?"

Sulpice de Montréal, M. Dollier de Casson, wrote in 1691: "I have been twenty-six years in this country, and I have seen our numerous and flourishing Algonquin missions all destroyed by drunkenness." Accordingly, it became necessary later to fall back upon the former rigorous regulations against the sale of intoxicating liquors to the Indians.

It had been said of Dollier de Casson that once, attacked by two renegade Frenchmen, he had broken the leg of one and the back of the other, and had then picked them up and carried them for miles to shelter and nursing.

Qui vive! in the dawn." Some one touched Iberville's arm. It was Dollier de Casson. Iberville turned to him, but they did not speak at first the priest knew his friend well. "We shall succeed, abbe," Iberville said. "May our quarrel be a just one, Pierre," was the grave reply. "The forts are our king's; the man is with my conscience, my dear friend." "But if you make sorrow for the woman?"

To learn the happy results due to the eloquence of MM. Trouvé and de Fénelon engaged in the evangelization of the tribes encamped to the north of Lake Ontario, or to that of MM. Dollier de Casson and Gallinée preaching on the shores of Lake Erie, one must read the memoirs of the Jesuit Fathers.

Hearing of this idol, on reaching Detroit, Dollier and De Galinee crossed over to it, tore it down, smashed it, flung the bigger piece of it into the river, and erected a cross in its place.

Presently Iberville, with a winning smile, ran an arm over his shoulder and added: "We cannot go without you, Dollier." The priest's face cleared, and a moment afterwards the three comrades shook hands together. When King Louis and King James called for peace, they could not know that it was as little possible to their two colonies as between rival buccaneers.

Under his tutor, the good Pere Dollier de Casson, he had never endured his classics, save for the sake of Hector and Achilles and their kind; and his knowledge of English, which his father had pressed him to learn, for he himself had felt the lack of it in dealings with Dutch and English traders, only grew in proportion as he was given Shakespeare and Raleigh to explore.