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We behaved just as all the other men, rich or poor, swatters or sportsmen or Pinky Dinkys, behaved, and exactly as we were expected to behave. On the whole it is a population of poor quality round about Cambridge, rather stunted and spiritless and very difficult to idealise.

Pinky Dinkys would like to keep outfitters' shops with whimsy 'scriptions on the boxes and make your bill out funny, and not be snobs to customers, no! not even if they had titles." "Every Pinky Dinky's people are rather good people, and better than most Pinky Dinky's people. But he does not put on side." "Pinky Dinkys become playful at the sight of women."

"They're Plebs and they know it. They haven't the Guts to get hold of things. And so they worry up all those silly little jokes of theirs to carry it off."... We tried bad ones for a time, viciously flavoured. Pinky Dinkys are due to over-production of the type that ought to keep outfitters' shops.

"The Pinky Dinky says suddenly while he is making the tea, 'We're all being frightfully funny. It's time for you to say something now." "The Pinky Dinky shakes his head and says: 'I'm afraid I shall never be a responsible being. And he really IS frivolous." "Frivolous but not vulgar," said Esmeer. "Pinky Dinkys are chaps who've had their buds nipped," said Hatherleigh.

There was a type, or at least there seemed to us to be a type I'm a little doubtful at times now whether after all we didn't create it for which Hatherleigh invented the nickname the "Pinky Dinkys," intending thereby both contempt and abhorrence in almost equal measure.

I perceived I was at last finding an adequate expression for all that was in me, for those forces that had rebelled at the crude presentations of Bromstead, at the secrecies and suppressions of my youth, at the dull unrealities of City Merchants, at the conventions and timidities of the Pinky Dinkys, at the philosophical recluse of Trinity and the phrases and tradition-worship of my political associates.