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At this blot on the orderliness of the room she seemed to swell like a turkey-cock, seemed literally to grow before Laura's eyes as, striding to the door, she commanded an invisible some one to send Lilith Gordon to her "DI-rectly!"! There was an awful pause; Laura did not dare to raise her head; she even said a little prayer. Mrs.

Minns, with his head and half his body out of the coach window. ‘Di-rectly, sir,’ said the coachman, with his hands in his pockets, looking as much unlike a man in a hurry as possible.

It just tramples and chokes and freezes them until it's a wonder they evaire do blossom at all. And di-rectly they do the world's surprised huh I should think it would be! It's not fair. It's all wrong. When I find the Portia Person I shall do something, I shall buy the church next door and I shall make a school.

It is kind of foolish, I expect, but that hen's goin' to have a real aigg di-rectly, right now, to set on." With this he removed one from beneath another hen. "We'll have Em'ly raise this hyeh," said he, "so she can put in her time profitable." It was not accomplished at once; for Em'ly, singularly enough, would not consent to stay in the box whence she had been routed.

She said, very softly and tenderly, "You are very naughty, and very foolish. Go to bed di-rectly." And she closed her window with a valiant slam; then sat down and sighed. Same game next day. Uxmoor driving, Zoe wonderfully polite, but chill, because he was separating her and Severne.