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Now you might call this the blood- purifying process. The removal of these various waste elements from the blood depends entirely upon the proper activity of the depurating organs. I have already referred to the great importance of an active alimentary canal. You might say that the lower part of the alimentary canal is the sewer of the body. It removes a large amount of the impurities.

The skin is such an important excretory organ that the importance of keeping its innumerable infinitesimal outlets free from obstruction cannot be overestimated. As the structure of the skin may not be understood by the average reader, we will briefly describe this wonderful depurating organ, that the paramount importance of its functions may be properly appreciated.

It was marked with oblong squares, and had a salt taste. The English version is as follows: 'The snow melted by the heat of the summer, other snow being faln within a little while after, and hardened into ice, which by little and little in a long tract of time depurating itself turns into a stone, not yielding in hardness and clearness to chrystall.

On that very morning had they come for the first time under the valet's depurating hand, so little soiled, indeed, from the turfy ride of the preceding day, that a less scrupulous domestic might, perhaps, have considered the application of "Warren's Matchless," or oxalic acid, altogether superfluous.

Coarse flannel is more irritating than any other material in ordinary use, and should therefore never be used when a sufficient amount of bodily heat can be maintained without it; as its use weakens, in the end, the perspiratory, and calorific, and depurating powers of the skin for the skin has all these powers and even, in some cases, brings on eruptive and other diseases.