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One line, however, in the poem printed in capital letters, gives the moral which was doubtless most deeply felt by the author, and which did not lose its meaning in the years to come. This mournful truth, he says, Is everywhere confess'd, Slow rises worth by poverty depress'd. The difference in tone shows how deeply this and similar truths had been impressed upon its author in the interval.

Fifty or more graves are quite plainly traceable, and as many more decay'd out of all form depress'd mounds, crumbled and broken stones, cover'd with moss the gray and sterile hill, the clumps of chestnuts outside, the silence, just varied by the soughing wind.

Slow rises worth, by poverty depress'd; not yet conscious that he himself was devoting his days to cast the minds of his contemporaries and of the succeeding age in the mighty mould of his own; JOHNSON was of that order of men whose individual genius becomes that of a people.

They, when at last they arrived in the spacious recess of the harbour, Furl'd with alertness their sail, and bestow'd in the depth of the galley, Loosen'd the ropes from the mast, and depress'd it to fix in the mast-hold, Push'd with their oars to the landing, and anchor'd and fasten'd the hausers; Then with the hecatomb laden, the mariners stept on the sea-beach.

In silence, of a fine night, such questions are answer'd to the soul, the best answers that can be given. With me, too, when depress'd by some specially sad event, or tearing problem, I wait till I go out under the stars for the last voiceless satisfaction. Later Thoughts and Jottings