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Bully for you, Davidge, old man! got him this time, anyhow!" Burchill, taken aback by the sudden onslaught of Davidge's satellites, drew himself up indignantly and looked down at his bands, around the wrists of which his captors had snapped a pair of handcuffs. He lifted a face white with rage and passion and glanced at Cox-Raythwaite and Selwood. "Liars!" he hissed between his teeth.

He was beginning to be suspicious of Davidge's tone, and his resentment of it showed in his answer. "Well enough to know him and not to mistake him, anyhow! And mind you, there was nothing surprising in his being there at that time of night that's a point that you should bear in mind, Davidge it's in your line, that.

A dead silence fell on the room. Then Peggie Wynne cried out, and Barthorpe suddenly made a spring at Burchill. "You villain!" he said in a low concentrated voice. "You've done me, you devil! Let me get my hands on " The other men, Triffitt on their heels, came bustling into the room, obedient to Davidge's lifted finger. "Put the handcuffs on both of 'em," commanded Davidge.

"He's in there!" exclaimed Triffitt, grabbing Davidge's arm and pointing wildly to the brilliantly lighted entrance, wherein two or three uniformed servants lounged about to open doors and attend to elevators. "Walked in as if the whole place belonged to him! You know Burchill!" "Ah, just so!" responded Davidge unconcernedly. "Quite so I wouldn't name no names in the street if I were you, Mr.