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Indeed, as in the previous case, he had no alternative. They were at once liberated and conducted to the station, and one of the poor black children a little girl named Dauma was carried home by Mackenzie on his own shoulders. Soon afterwards the mission failed in that quarter. Among other misfortunes disease attacked and carried off several of the chief Europeans of the party.

All this, and a great deal more, had I read with profound interest, many years before my visit to the Cape, and the whole subject had made a deep impression on my memory especially the figure of the gallant Bishop returning from his raid on the men-stealers with the little wearied Dauma on his shoulders! Well, one day I went to visit the "Saint George's Orphanage for Girls," in Capetown.

I shook hands with Dauma immediately, and claimed old acquaintance on the spot! Chief among the many interesting visits which I paid while at Capetown was one to the beautiful towns of Stellenbosch and Wellington. Both are but a short distance from the capital, and connected with it by rail. The former is one of the oldest towns of the colony. Many of the French refugees settled there in 1685.

Inde Nigritarum ampla est regio, ad utramque Nigri amnis ripam: longitudo ejus porrigitur a Nilo et Meroe insula, usque ad Nigri ostia et Oceanum. Regna in ea sunt haec, ab urbibus denominata: Gualata, Hoden, Genocha, Senega, Tombuti, Melli, Bitonin, Gurnea, Temian, Dauma, Cano, Cassena, Benin, Zanfara, Guangara, Borno, Nubia, Biafra, Medra. Athiopia Interior qua est Abissinorum.

"She is herself an orphan, one of the best girls in our school," said Miss Arthur, referring to her. "She was saved from the slavers in Central Africa many years ago." "What!" I exclaimed, "the little girl who was saved by the missionaries of the Shire River?" "The same." "And who was carried home on the shoulders of Bishop Mackenzie?" "Yes; her name is Dauma."