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The proof of the Daily's moral and material victory was that soon afterwards there were four applicants, men of substance, for shares in the Daily company. And this, by the way, was the end of the tale. For these applicants, who secured options on a majority of the shares, were emissaries of the Signal.

The most important sheet of the Daily, however, she one day carried into her bed-sitting-room wrapped about a quartern of Old Tom. It was the day when first "Country House Outrage" shouted from the Daily's columns. Idly scanning the report her eye chanced upon familiar names. A common mind would have been struck astonished and for some hours been left fluttering.

A week or more before the Signal's anniversary day, Denry heard that the Signal was secretly afraid lest the Daily's brigade might accomplish the marring of its gorgeous procession, and that the Signal was ready to do anything to smash the Daily's brigade. He laughed; he said he did not mind.

The two men who were most dangerous to him the detective and the Daily's Special Commissioner at Paltley Hill, now slushing through the mud behind were beneath his thumb. If he could keep them goose-chasing for a few days or so ! The turn of a corner brought them in view of the Clifford Arms. George pointed: "I want you to spend the night there and to stay there till I come to-morrow.