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Crupp said she supposed eighteenpence would neither make me nor break me. I said I supposed not; and THAT was settled. Then Mrs. Crupp said, Now about the dinner. It was a remarkable instance of want of forethought on the part of the ironmonger who had made Mrs. Crupp's kitchen fireplace, that it was capable of cooking nothing but chops and mashed potatoes. As to a fish-kittle, Mrs.

"Will they go to the bad, or will they rise from the ashes, aristocrats indeed if the Liberals come in overwhelmingly?" said Britten. "It's we who might decide that," said Crupp, insidiously. "I agree," said Gane. "No one can tell," said Thorns. "I doubt if they will get beaten." It was an odd, fragmentary discussion that night. We were all with ideas in our minds at once fine and imperfect.

'When the present set were took for you by your dear aunt, Mr. Copperfull, said Mrs. Crupp, 'my remark were, I had now found summun I could care for. "Thank Ev'in!" were the expression, "I have now found summun I can care for!" You don't eat enough, sir, nor yet drink. 'Is that what you found your supposition on, Mrs. Crupp? said I. 'Sir, said Mrs.

Crupp was a martyr to a curious disorder called 'the spazzums', which was generally accompanied with inflammation of the nose, and required to be constantly treated with peppermint; secondly, that something peculiar in the temperature of my pantry, made the brandy-bottles burst; thirdly, that I was alone in the world, and much given to record that circumstance in fragments of English versification.

Thorns lounges, rolling his round face and round eyes from speaker to speaker and sounding the visible depths of misery whenever Neal begins. Gerbault and Gane were given to conversation in undertones, and Bailey pursued mysterious purposes in lisping whispers. It was Crupp attracted me most. He had, as people say, his eye on me from the beginning.