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Graeme kept out of sight among the other crowders of the quay till the bowler hat came bobbing up the gangway. Then he smote its owner so jovially on the shoulder that his monocle shot the full length of its cord and the hat came within an ace of tumbling overboard. "Hello, Pixley! This is good of you. You're just in time to give us your blessing." "Aw!

Even in her great joy she was as quiet as a dove, and I was not surprised when her husband afterward told me that she was a Quaker. I was entertained very handsomely by the Crowders. I spent several days with them, and although they were so happy to see each other, they made it very plain that they were also happy to have me with them, he because he liked me, she because he liked me.

Of that fair surface of rounded cheek, fattened chin, and noble brow not a square inch was left ungouged. It was indeed a face of evil suggestion that the unsuspecting mother took back. That was the evening when the Crowders, living next door, had rushed over in the belief that my woman child was being murdered.

"No," said her husband, "I did not. I required more than speed in a case like that. And now I think," said he, rising, "we must call this session concluded." The next day I was obliged to bid farewell to the Crowders, and my business arrangements made it improbable that I should see them again for a long time I could not say how long. As I bade Mr.