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Verkan Vall stripped to the waist, pulled off his ankle boots, and examined Olirzon's knife. Its tapering eight-inch blade was double-edged at the point, and its handle was covered with black velvet to afford a good grip, and wound with gold wire. He nodded approvingly, gripped it with his index finger crooked around the cross-guard, and advanced to meet Marnark of Bashad.

'Twas long ago, but this good steel is bright and undimmed as ever. Ha! mark it, boy those eyes o' thine shall ne'er behold its equal!" So Beltane took hold upon the great sword, felt the spring and balance of the blade and viewed it up from glittering point to plain and simple cross-guard. And thus, graven deep within the broad steel he read this word: RESURGAM.

If you don't have a hangover this morning, will you please come here and look at this thing?" Rand laid down the Merril carbine he had been examining and walked over beside Karen. The man whom Rand judged to be some rural free-lance antique-prospector extended the object of the girl's repugnance. It was an African sword, all right, with a plain iron hilt and cross-guard.

I have seen and handled many fair weapons in my day, but never before or since have I beheld such rare craftsmanship as went to the chiselling of this hilt. Of silver it was, wrought into the shape of a standing woman, her feet poised upon the small, chiselled cross-guard, her head forming the pommel; naked she stood in languorous pose, arms raised and hands locked behind her head.