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I take the liberty of mentioning this circumstance; as it will serve to keep in mind the fact, that celery, when found wild, and growing in wet places, shold be used cautiously, it being in such situations of a pernicious tendency. For such whose curiosity may lead them to become acquainted with the Oenanthe crocata, it grows in plenty near the Red House in Battersea fields on the Thames' bank.

Cullen has for many years commended the making it from the unripe seeds; and this mode the College of Physicians at Edinburgh have thought proper to adopt in their late Pharmacopoeia. Similar Plants. Aethusa Cynapium; Apium Petroselium; Oenanthe crocata; Oe. fistulosa; Phellandrium aquaticum. CORIANDRUM sativum. CORIANDER. The Seeds.

OENANTHE crocata. HEMLOCK. WATER DROPWORT. Eleven French prisoners had the liberty of walking in and about the town of Pembroke; three of them being in the fields a little before noon, found and dug up a large quantity of this plant with its roots, which they took to be wild celery, to eat with their bread and butter for dinner.

This plant is so much used by the French and Dutch, that there is scarcely a soup or salad but what chervil makes part of it: it is grateful to the taste. See article oenanthe crocata in the Poisonous Plants. CIVES. Allium Schoenoprasum. This is an excellent herb for salads in the spring: it is also useful for soups, &c. &c.