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OENANTHE crocata. HEMLOCK. WATER DROPWORT. Eleven French prisoners had the liberty of walking in and about the town of Pembroke; three of them being in the fields a little before noon, found and dug up a large quantity of this plant with its roots, which they took to be wild celery, to eat with their bread and butter for dinner.

The flowers have a very pleasant flavour, which water extracts from them by infusion, and elevates in distillation. SPIRAEA Filipendula. DROPWORT. The Root. The root consists of a number of tubercles, fastened together by slender strings; its taste is rough and bitterish, with a slight degree of pungency.

In passing I must describe this forest, the first one of all the earth's forests that I knew, and the one I loved the best: the straight, slim trunks of the ancient evergreen oaks, of sombre foliage, were like the columns of a church; not a particle of brush grew under them, but the dry soil was covered all the year with the most exquisite short grass, soft and fine as down, and here and there grew furze, dropwort and other rare flowers that thrive in the shade.

The quaint three-lobed leaves, shaped like a grebe's foot, were still small, and the flowerstocks, thick as corn in a field, were crowned with pyramids of buds, cream and rosy-red like the opening dropwort clusters, and at the lower end of the spikes were the full-blown singular, snow-white, cottony flowers our strange and beautiful water edelweiss.

Wild thyme continues to bloom the shepherd's thyme wild mignonette, blue scabious, white dropwort, yellow bedstraw, and the large purple blooms of greater knapweed. Here and there a blue field gentian is still in flower; "eggs and bacon" grow beside the waggon tracks.