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These always interest us from the generosity of their height and girth, and from their great variety of color-tones, induced by the patchy scaling of the bark soft grays, buffs, greens, and ivory whites prevailing.

Slowly and reluctantly the party walked up the long winding path to the summit of the Hill where the stairway finds support, stopping many times to admire again the perfect curves and fine color-tones of that wonderful high arch within a mountain yet softly radiant with the light of day.

If she can be induced to come to his bedside, hold his hand, and call him pet names when he's rational, he'll buck up and win out. There are no dangerous physical complications to combat now. They are entirely mental." While the physician was speaking, Andrew Daney's face had gradually been taking on the general color-tones of a ripe old Edam cheese.

All the color-tones were accentuated in the bright clear morning air. The sky-scrapers of the Empire City, mighty turreted palaces almost reaching into the clouds, stood out like gigantic silhouettes.

What care he took, what meditations he surrendered himself to, before turning over his house to the upholsterers! He had long been a connoisseur in the sincerities and evasions of color-tones.