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Professor Huxley's observation regarding the wide range of variation, both as to shape and capacity, in the skulls of so pure a race as the native Australian, removes to no small extent this supposed anomaly, assuming what though not proved is very probable, that both varieties co-existed in the Pleistocene period in Western Europe.

And in every department of human life there co-existed this very large liberty of individual and local expression, coupled with a complete, and, as it were, necessary unity, binding the whole vast body together. Emperor might succeed Emperor, in a series of civil wars. Several Emperors might be reigning together.

There never has been, and there never will be. The white and the black races have never co-existed under the same government, on equal footing, and never can. Their liberty is only nominal! "It is all a lie and a cheat!" Is the negro free any where in the Northern States? No, he is not. There is no sympathy between the two races. Northern people loathe and despise free negroes.

The reading of Clio's blood-stained scroll would be unbearable, were it not for the reflection that all the important things have been left out the myriads of sunny mornings that dawned on the "Dark Ages," and filled creation with the joy of life; the hopes and loves throbbing in the great obscure mass of humanity; the individual virtues and victories that co-existed with the decadence of great empires; the vast ocean of consciousness of which History just skims the surface.

Prestwich; while M. Garnier of Amiens has procured a fine elephant's molar from the same pits, which Dr. Hence I infer that both these animals co-existed with Man. The alluvial formations of Montiers are very instructive in another point of view. This superior deposit is on the same side of the Somme, and about as high, as the lowest part of the celebrated formation of St.

He has no suspicion that the wider views of interpretation are as old as Christianity itself, and have always co-existed with the narrower. He regards the Christian idea of God as essentially anthropomorphic.

It is, however, far from being an isolated one; for, during the late tertiary deposits of Britain, an elephant, rhinoceros, and hippopotamus co-existed with many recent land and fresh-water shells; and in North America, we have the best evidence that a mastodon, elephant, megatherium, megalonyx, mylodon, an extinct horse and ox, likewise co- existed with numerous land, fresh-water, and marine recent shells.

Here is an instance of insensibility which in real life would be revolting, or rather in real life could not have co-existed with the warm-hearted temperament of the character.

Here is an instance of insensibility which in real life would be revolting, or rather in real life could not have co-existed with the warm-hearted temperament of the character.

In the absence of British examples of volcanic rocks newer than the Upper Miocene, I may state that in other parts of the world, especially in those where volcanic eruptions are now taking place from time to time, there are tuffs and lavas belonging to that part of the Tertiary era the antiquity of which is proved by the presence of the bones of extinct quadrupeds which co-existed with terrestrial, fresh-water, and marine mollusca of species still living.