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He broke into a headlong flight across and over everything, when the startled grunt of a hog revealed the prosaic nature of this spook. Scarcely any other sound could have been more reassuring. The animal suggested bacon and hominy and hoe-cake, everything except the ghostly. He berated himself angrily: "Ki! you niggah! dat ar hog got mo' co'age dan you.

He was on a po'ful big hoss, an' he jes' break right through eb'ryting, an' was off wid de rest. De Linkum sogers followed on, firin' at 'em. "De missus fainted dead away, an' my moder held her in her arms. De head Linkum ossifer now rode up to de verandy an' took off his hat, an' he say: 'Ladies, I admire your co'age, but you should not 'spose yourselves so needlessly.

Dey is, fer I feels it in my bones. You'se got de co'age ob you pa an' granpa an' dey know, jes' as we knows, dat ole Missus take a heap mo' comfort grumblin' dan in bein' hungry." "Oh, Aun' Sheba, do you truly think they know about my present life?" the girl asked, with wet eyes.

He smile an' say, 'Tell de young lady dat I drink to her health an' happier times. Den I gits up my co'age an' says, 'Cap'n Lane, I wants ter see yer when my work's done in de house. He say, 'All right, come ter me here. Den he look at me sharp an' say, 'Can I trus' yer? An' I say, 'Yes, Mass'r Cap'n; I'se Linkum, troo an' troo. Den he whisper in my ear de password, 'White-rose."