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My plan, then, was to build and keep up fires in several other houses, so that if they came in sight they would see the smoke and think that there was still a good-sized population. I went first across the street to the bank building. The lower part of it was locked, but I went up the outside stairs and found everything in Mr. Clerkinwell's rooms as we had left it.

I don't believe there is a hundred dollars in the whole town outside of Clerkinwell's safe." "What do you suppose there is in that?" asked Baker. "There might be a good deal and there might not be so much," said Carr. "I heard that he saved $20,000 out of the failure of his business back east and brought it out here to start new with.

Clerkinwell's rooms over the bank I found some other books, all with very fine leather covers. Some of these I took the liberty of borrowing, but was very careful of them. One was The Pilgrim's Progress, and I liked most of it exceedingly, especially the fight in the king's highway which Christian had with Apollyon.