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The delicate china-doll tinting went with other baby features, but, save for the few little brown freckles in midsummer, Leigh Shirley kept year after year the clear complexion with the peach blossom pink on her cheeks that only rarely the young girls of the dry western plains possessed in those days of shadeless homes.

And when you add to that such details as gold shoes, pink silk stockin's, long pearl ear danglers, and a weird lid perched on a mountain of yellow hair well, it's no wonder I was sometime rememberin' where I'd seen them China-doll eyes before. "Deary," she goes on, turnin' to what's followin' her, "look who's here! Our old friend, the Profess!"

She was so little and pretty, with yellow hair, big blue eyes, china-doll cheeks, and with all the repose of manner that only childhood and innocence can bestow. "I think I like you, Horace," Leigh said frankly, after carefully looking Carey over. "Then, we'll be friends," he declared. "Not for so mery long." Leigh could not master the V of the alphabet yet.

She learned, too, that the girl was ambitious to be first, even in so slight a thing as sitting at the head of a table and playing hostess to five girls, generally of under classes. "Are you on the second floor again this year, Landis?" asked a little pink-and-white, china-doll girl from the foot of the table. "Yes, Mame. Min and I have the same rooms as before. The third time is the charm.

A handsome man, I would have said, honest but not particularly intelligent.... Walpole, in a fit of spleen, once called him 'a porcelain sphinx, and the phrase sticks; but, indeed, there is more of the china-doll about him.

She's a bunchy blonde, she is, about four foot six in her French heels, with yellow hair, China-doll eyes, a snub nose, and a waxy pink and white complexion like these show-window models you see in department stores. She's costumed cheap but gaudy in a wrinkled, tango-colored dress that she must have picked off some Grand street bargain counter late last spring.