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"Let's roll the cuss in the fancy collar," proposed one of the head-hunters, meaning me. "I'll stove yer slats if yer touch him," said Grits, and then resorted to appeal. "I s'y, carn't yer stand back and let a chap 'ave a charnst?" The head-hunters only jeered. And what shall be said of the Captain in this moment of peril?

"Why, it's 'im who tried to frighten me in the loft if I didn't promise to give up watching Mr. Holymead." "You are quite certain, Joe?" "Certain sure, guv'nor. There ain't no charnst of me mistaking a man like that."

"Let's roll the cuss in the fancy collar," proposed one of the head-hunters, meaning me. "I'll stove yer slats if yer touch him," said Grits, and then resorted to appeal. "I s'y, carn't yer stand back and let a chap 'ave a charnst?" The head-hunters only jeered. And what shall be said of the Captain in this moment of peril?

"Let's roll the cuss in the fancy collar," proposed one of the head-hunters, meaning me. "I'll stove yer slats if yer touch him," said Grits, and then resorted to appeal. "I s'y, carn't yer stand back and let a chap 'ave a charnst?" The head-hunters only jeered. And what shall be said of the Captain in this moment of peril?

When the Foreign Young Person come in of evenin's to git 'er lady dressed for dinner, she snaps up the lights, bein' a kind soul, before she draws the blinds, to give me a charnst like, to see in." She stroked the tweed sleeve. "An' once or twice Mrs.

He had "bin 'done for' in the back! 'E'd bin give' no charnst. G-r-r-r!" they groaned in chorus. "Wisht" they'd "bin there when 'e'd bin 'it!" They'd "'ave done fur somebody" themselves. It was a story which had a queer effect on them.