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His acquiescence in my brother's schemes can hardly be ranked with follies: you, who know what scheme it was, who know the intoxicating influence of a specious project, and, especially, the wonderful address and plausibility of Catling, the adventurer who was my brother's prime minister and chief agent in that ruinous transaction, will not consider their adopting the phantom as any proof of the folly of either father or son.

Beyond leaving the crotch and edging mincingly downward, a yard or so, the Persian refused to obey the crooning summons. Plastered flat against the tree trunk, some nine feet above the ground, he miaued dolefully. "Hold Bobby's collar," suggested Brice, "and I think I can get the prematurely grizzled catling to earth."

The road-bed, being mostly of rock, and well shaded by tropical growths, with good water every few hundred yards, made the journey for the Catling battery a picnic without obstacles. This, with five minutes' work, was made passable for the battery and for the three army wagons which the quartermaster's department had ventured to send out.

I found it in the book "Shot, Shell and Shrapnell or Sixty Years as a War Correspondent," recently written by Mr. Maxim Catling whose exploits are familiar to all readers. "I was standing," writes Mr. Suddenly we found ourselves the object of the most terrific hail of bullets. For a few moments the air was black with them.