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"Why they be so damned quarrelsome," said the Corporal, "wringle, wrangle, wrongle, snap, growl, scratch; that's not what a man of the world does; man of the world niver quarrels; then, too, these creturs always fancy you forgets that their father was a clargyman; they always thinks more of their family, like, than their writings; and if they does not get money when they wants it, they bristles up and cries, 'not treated like a gentleman, by God! Yet, after all, they've a deal of kindness in 'em, if you knows how to manage 'em augh! but, cat-kindness, paw today, claw to-morrow.

Cat-kindness. Paw to-day, and claw to-morrow. London at Night. There, even more than in the silence of woods and fields, seems to me the source of endless, various meditation. How easy it is to forget!

"Why they be so damned quarrelsome," said the Corporal, "wringle, wrangle, wrongle, snap, growl, scratch; that's not what a man of the world does; man of the world niver quarrels; then, too, these creturs always fancy you forgets that their father was a clargyman; they always thinks more of their family, like, than their writings; and if they does not get money when they wants it, they bristles up and cries, 'not treated like a gentleman, by God! Yet, after all, they've a deal of kindness in 'em, if you knows how to manage 'em augh! but, cat-kindness, paw today, claw to-morrow.