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Trebon with the remaining four men took up a similar position on the other side of the doorway. Two hours passed. At length a low tap followed by two others was heard at the door. The slave at once opened it. Carpadon entered, and with a sudden movement threw one arm round the slave's neck and with the other stabbed him to the heart.

No less than fourteen others had been killed in the fight. The two Carthaginian nobles were sent for by Hannibal. They came prepared to die, for they knew already by rumour that the attempt had failed, and doubted not when the summons reached them that Carpadon had denounced them as his accomplices.

I know that it was you who provided the gold for the payment of the men who made an attempt upon my life, that you personally paid my attendant Carpadon to hire assassins, and to lead them to my chamber. Were I to denounce you, my soldiers would tear you in pieces. The very name of your families would be held accursed by all honest men in Carthage for all time.

"The chief of the party is that man who lies bleeding there; he is one of your attendants." One of the soldiers held a torch close to the man's face. "It is Carpadon," Hannibal said. "I believed him honest and faithful." "He is the tool of others, Hannibal; he has been well paid for this night's work."

He leaped to his feet, but before he could cry out Malchus stepped forward and said: "Silence, if you value your life. You know me; I am Malchus the son of Hamilcar. Now, tell me the truth, or tomorrow the torture shall wring it from you. Who placed you here, and why?" "Carpadon, one of the chief attendants, ordered me to remain here to admit him on his return.