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I have no doubt and I have so heard it that there are places in the great swamps where they are still dangerous to approach. Those who assert that the African crocodiles are more fierce, do not draw their conclusions from facts. The caimans of South America and these are alligators are quite as fierce as the crocodiles.

In fact, no other means would have been successful, because, upon arriving at the house, he was obliged with his own hands to unhang and heap together the bottles and horns; for the Indians who had accompanied him did not dare even to touch them fearing that, if they did, they would die; and that, if they threw them into the river, the caimans would be enraged against them such was their belief in these delusions.

When they descended to drink caimans were lurking near at hand to drag them into the dark depths below. Snakes of the constrictor family were not wanting among the branches; despite their huge size they had a habit of lying patiently in wait where the cover was thickest, or of appearing in the most unexpected places and after each of their swift lunges the monkey population was reduced by one.

The reptile, thirsting for more blood, saw the tempting morsel; and, darting forward, seized it in his huge jaws, crushing it in the act. The woman remained motionless, biding her time. "The caimans do not masticate their food. Their teeth are not formed for that. They are only made for seizing; and the tongue which they cannot extend forward only serves to assist them in swallowing.