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It was a notable feature of the communal expenses, that the lord of the village shared them with his poorer neighbors. See the cahier of the Artignose in Provence, Archives parlementaires, vi. 249. "Clochers et autres batiments generaux. The public meetings of these little communities were held on certain Sundays of the year after mass, or after vespers.

The nobles, that is, the statesmen and politicians, have formulated their lists of grievances in such works as Thirty Year's View, The Great Conflict, Rise and Fall of the Slave Power in America, etc. But where is the cahier of the third estate? The States-general has met and the tiers état is not ready. What excuse have they?

Here a committee was appointed to consider all the local cahiers and consolidate them; those of the intermediate assemblies being again worked over for the general cahier of the Third Estate of each electoral district.

This cahier gives a very full statement of existing judicial abuses. Desjardins, xxxv. Poncins, 286. In the criminal law, changes were recommended in the direction of giving a better chance to accused persons. Trials were to be prompt and public, and counsel were to be allowed. The prisons were to be improved.

Cahier of the "Instituteurs des petites villes, bourgs, et villages de Bourgogne," Rev. des deux Mondes, April 15, 1881, 874.

Accordingly, assuming a calmness which he was very far from feeling, he stopped at her door again before going upstairs, saying cheerfully: "Tell me to go away if you want to; if not, I've come for my first French lesson." Sylvia looked up with a smile from the book she was reading. "Entrez, monsieur," she said gayly; "avez-vous apporte votre livre, votre cahier, et votre plume?

A suggestion of two coordinate chambers, in one cahier of the Clergy and Nobility, and in one of the Third Estate. The cahiers on both sides took this question as settled, and proceeded, with a tolerable agreement, to the other parts of the constitution. The king, in addition to his concurrence in legislation, was to have nominally the whole executive power.