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She tucked me up at night, and used to send for me in the morning before she rose, to partake of her CAFE-AU-LAIT. In return for her indulgences, I would 'make eyes' such as I had seen Auguste, the young man-servant, cast at Rose the cook. I would present her with little scraps which I copied in roundhand from a volume of French poems.

It seemed like a marvellous scheme, and far more humane than that of fattening geese for the sale of their livers. "And this coffee, Memnon? You said it was fresh from the dairy of the gods. You get your coffee from the dairy?" I asked. "The breakfast coffee yes, sir," replied Memnon. "Fresh every morning. You must ask the steward to let you see the café-au-lait herd " "The what?" I demanded.

As for chicory for the morning cafe-au-lait, it existed not. Gold could not buy it." And again she said, speaking of the fearful days in September 1914: "What would you? We waited. My little coco is nailed there. He cannot move without a furniture-van filled with things essential to his existence. I did not wish to move. We waited, quite simply. We waited for them to come. They did not come.

This turnkey gentleman informed us that our first admiral, Mons. Poncevan, had been killed by an assassin. This report puzzled all our wise heads. An hour afterwards our café-au-lait entered, and with it the principal gaoler, or, as he was called, Mons. le Gouverneur. He was a stout, square-built man, and gave us an inquisitive look.

The coffee mixed with this, and sweetened with that sparkling beet-root sugar which ornaments a French table, is the celebrated café-au-lait, the name of which has gone round the world. As we look to France for the best coffee, so we must look to England for the perfection of tea.

She could deepen it with chestnut trimmings, all toning up together to one rich, bright harmony. Her hair was "blond cendré," not the red-golden of Alice Craike's; but the same subtle rule of art was available; "café-au-lait" was her shade; and the darker velvet just deepened and emphasized the effect.