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The former scholar is a master of texts, and the latter of philosophy, each editor excelling in his own department; and the two books complement each other in value. Buddhism, being a logical growth out of Brahmanism, used the old sacred language of India and inherited its vocabulary.

And the common people delight in them and are intoxicated by their religious exaggerations and excesses. Thus the faith of the people, as a whole, is far removed, in its grovelling thought, its idolatrous practices, and its thousand-headed ritual, from the teaching of Higher Hinduism. Above all, we must remember that the Hinduism of to-day is not the Brahmanism of thirty centuries ago.

But in the Deccan Brahmanism has remained more fiercely militant than in any other part of India, chiefly perhaps because nowhere had it wielded such absolute power within times which may still be called recent.

India was fast becoming, under the Gupta reaction towards Brahmanism, no place for the Buddhists; and the Hindu ships that put in at Canton and the Yangtse were bringing much to China besides merchandise. A great propaganda of Buddhism was in process; by Indian monks, and now too for the first time by native Chinese.

The Dravidian people in southern India, made up of non-Aryans, number at present forty-six millions. Brit., Arts. India, Brahmanism, Buddhism. Of their beginnings, there is no record. It is not likely that they came down the river from the south, as some have thought; more probably they were of Asiatic origin.

Beast-worship must have been the religion of the pre-historic inhabitants of Egypt, and just as Brahmanism has thrown its protection over the superstitions of the aboriginal tribes of India and identified the idols of the populace with its own gods, so too in ancient Egypt a fusion of race must have brought about a fusion of ideas.

Neither Buddhism nor Mohammedanism had made any serious impression on caste; neither had been able to mitigate the wrongs which Brahmanism had heaped upon woman Mohammedanism had rather increased them.

It seemed at one moment as if, under the inspiration of men like Ranade in the Deccan and Tagore in Bengal, Brahmanism itself was about to take the lead in purging Hinduism of its most baneful superstitions and bringing it into line with the philosophy and ethics of the West.

Monier Williams, Buddhism, in its connection with Brahmanism and Hinduism, and in its contrast with Christianity, 1889. Spence Hardy, Manual of Buddhism, 1860. E. Hardy, Der Buddhismus. The Aryans who entered India to become its dominant race came from Central Asia, and left behind them there other tribes of Aryan culture.

Brahmanism, Jainism, Buddhism, Hinduism, Confucianism, Taoism, Zoroastrianism, Hebrewism, Mohammedanism, Christianity which is the true religion? Since the factor of coercion by force of environment to which each of these earthlings was subject would naturally be absent, the Martian would be in a position to make a fair choice.