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'I've always wanted to go on that there trip, but I've never 'ad the ready at the right time of the year. 'Boolong is a town like London, said Cyril, well meaning, but inaccurate, 'how could you get a living there? The burglar scratched his head in deep doubt. 'It's 'ard to get a 'onest living anywheres nowadays, he said, and his voice was sad.

It can't do you any HARM, you know, he went on in hoarse whispered earnestness. 'You can't be very much worse off than you are now, you know. But if you'll just trust to us we'll get you out of this right enough. No one saw us come in. The question is, where would you like to go? 'I'd like to go to Boolong, was the instant reply of the burglar.

"Britten," he said quite plain, "you know why I've come down here?" "I think so, sir." "Chercher les femmes, as they say in Boolong I'm down here to meet the girl I'm going to marry." "Hope you'll find her well, sir." "Ah, that's just it. I shan't find her well if her old father can help it. Damn him, he's nearly killed her with his oaths and swearing these last two months.

"Me and Heinie and Joe was follerin’ the races down to Boolong when this here war come and put everything on the blink. Aw, hell, sez I, come on back to Parus an’ look ’em over before we skiddoo home meanin’ the dames an’ all like that. Say, we done what I said; we come back to Parus, an’ we got in wrong! Listen, Doc; them dames had went crazy over this here war graft. Veeve France, sez they.