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Folks say as the day of judgment's a coming soon and I partly think so myself. I wish it was all over, and we in heaven above; and that's all I have to say." It seemed a not unnatural revulsion, when a tall, fierce man, with a forbidding squint, sprung jauntily on the stone, and setting his arms a-kimbo, broke out: "Here be I, Blinkey, and I has as good a right to speak as ere a one.

I recollect," Becky continued pensively, "my father took me to see a show at Brookgreen Fair when I was a child, and when we came home, I made myself a pair of stilts and danced in the studio to the wonder of all the pupils." "I should have liked to see it," said Lord Steyne. "I should like to do it now," Becky continued. "How Lady Blinkey would open her eyes, and Lady Grizzel Macbeth would stare!

At that moment "Blinkey" staggered out past me and against me, a writing-desk in his hands, shouting, in his drunken glory, "I've vound ut at last! I've got the old fellow's money! Hush! What a vule I be, hollering like that!" And he was going to sneak off, with a face of drunken cunning, when I sprung up and seized him by the throat. "Rascal! robber! lay that down!

Yeomanry'll be here. You mun leave the ricks." "Darned if we do. Old Woods shan't get naught by they." "Fire 'em, then, and go on to Slater's farm!" "As well be hung for a sheep as for a lamb," hiccuped Blinkey, as he rushed through the yard with a lighted brand.