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"Willy High Pockets has been here." "What!" "Yep. I had him hid down in Blease's shack, but he beat it away." "Then it was that poor Indian Garman was after!" "Not quite. There was a white man, too. A guy that Willy met out in the swamp some place when he beat it that day after Garman had handled him. It was this white man that Garman was after. Willy was with him.

I slipped down to Blease's and fixed it up with them to hide him, but he slipped away to join that white man as soon as we had him sewed up. "Where is the white man?" "Still out in the swamp. He steered Willy till they saw the tents and then he beat it back." "Who is he?" "Don't know; Willy wasn't telling." "What does Garman want to get him for?" "Willy 'donno' that either.

As for the woman, it was obvious that she was Blease's superior. "Tell me, Blease," said Payne suddenly, "How long have you been living on this land?" "'Bout two years," replied the squatter after a long pause. "You don't pretend you have a title to it?" Again the pause, then: "No, sir, I don't." "Have you got a mule?" broke out Roger suddenly. "A mule? No. Why?"

We had missed many more things, but found that the amount varied in direct ratio to the number of police who guarded us. All our spare boots were now gone, Blease's overcoat, and also Miss Brindley's. Jo had lost her only other coat and skirt, and one or two mackintoshes were missing.

Blease's wife was no "cracker," no native of those parts, no type which belonged in a squatter's shack in the heart of a jungle. Her presence there seemed to cry out the news of some foul miscarriage of destiny, of a wrong to her life too hideous to imagine. Upon her face still young was the tale of a broken soul protesting against the wrong life had dealt it.

At the mention of Garman's name, Blease's thin figure seemed to collapse. "Garman? Garman don't know we're here, does he? Are are you a friend of Mr. Garman's, suh?" "I think," replied Payne, "he is the worst enemy I've got. Do you know him?" After a long pause Blease said slowly: "I was his caretaker over there once." "What do you think of him?"