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When they are compared with what we know as the normal measurements, a very good idea is gained as to whether the birth-canal will present any obstacle to the passage of the child; and, if it will, there is opportunity to deliberate what treatment may be necessary.

As the result of this process of accommodation the skull becomes relatively longer from crown to chin than in adults. Within a few weeks, however, the modification vanishes. If an infant is born with the buttocks first, the head does not linger in the birth-canal, a fact which in such cases explains the pleasing shape of the skull, which emerges with the contour determined by fetal growth.

Around this firm pivot the child's head rotates upward, and, as a result of the movement, forehead, eyes, nose, mouth, and chin successively emerge from the birth-canal. Following the birth of the head, natural forces turn the body upon one side, the better to accommodate the shoulders to the passageway.

The peculiar shape of the head results, of course, from its passage through the birth-canal and is not a sign of any disease. In a few weeks, or even less, the strange appearance passes away.

Disinfection of the physician's hands does not entirely exclude the danger of infection through vaginal examinations. Although he may have been most conscientious, there is some risk of carrying contaminating material into the birth-canal from the region about the opening of the vagina.

The presence of hair and the folding of the skin about the outlet to the birth-canal render the disinfection of this area somewhat difficult. It is advisable, therefore, to clip the hair as short as possible and, while bathing the whole body, to scrub the region in question with especial thoroughness.

On the other hand, imagine the prospects for infection when the child is born through a birth-canal filled with mucous patches or with a chancre on the neck of the womb. Children infected in this way at birth do not develop the true hereditary form of the disease, but get the acquired form with a chancre and secondary period, just as in later life.

The second stage is very much shorter than the first; for this reason and others, too, it proves much less trying. As the child is moved downward through the birth-canal, the mother usually appreciates for herself that she is making headway; whereas in the first stage she may know of progress only through what she is told.

Moreover, his interest and his power of insight led to further comparison. Clearly, the open wound on the physician's finger had been the portal through which the poison entered; but where was there a similar portal in obstetrical patients? The answer was plain. The birth-canal at the time of delivery is always an open wound. There the poison entered, and child-bed fever was a wound infection!

In a scientific sense the act of birth may be described as a series of muscular contractions which widen the birth-canal and expel the contents of the pregnant womb. Since the process requires an expenditure of energy, it has come to be called labor. Intrinsically, labor does not differ from many other physiological acts.