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Now when he came back to the great kitchen, which was nigh as big as the hall, Withelm was yet there, for the priest was at the widow's, and there was no haste to bring him; and by that time I had come in also, and was sitting with him at the far end, where none had need to come. It was Berthun's own end, as one might say, and he was lord in his own place.

And that was what Alsi would have liked to hear, for his speech seemed to say that thus it was, and maybe that he did not altogether like the choice. But now Alsi said to Berthun, "Bring in the bridegroom." "Whom shall I bring, lord?" the steward asked in blank wonder, and Alsi whispered his answer. At that Berthun's hands flew up, and his mouth opened, and he did not stir.

And then down the hall the feast began, and for a time befell a silence the silence of hungry folk who have before them a good reason for not saying much for a little while. I looked for Havelok among Berthun's men, but he was not there. Nor was he at the lower cross tables with the other people of the palace.

Then all sat them down, and at once came Berthun's men with the laden spits and the cauldrons, and first they served the high table, kneeling on the dais steps while each noble helped himself and the lady next him with what he would.

Well, it is likely that he knows his own name best. Is he Welsh, therefore?" "So I think, lord." "You might have been certain by this time, surely. I like Welshmen about the place, and I was giving you credit for finding me a good one. Whence comes he?" Now it was on Berthun's tongue to say that he thought that Curan came from the marshland, yet clinging to his own thoughts of what he was.