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A box of sardines is 'old' only after it has been opened, Lady Beldonald never has yet been but I'm going to do it." I joked, but I was somewhat disappointed. It was a type that, with his unerring sense for the banal, I shouldn't have expected Outreau to pick out. "You're going to paint her? But, my dear man, she is painted and as neither you nor I can do it. Ou est-elle donc?

If Lady Beldonald had the theory that her beauty directly showed it when things weren't well with her, this impression, which the fixed sweetness of her serenity had hitherto struck me by no means as justifying, gave me now my first glimpse of its grounds. It was as if I had never before seen her face invaded by anything I should have called an expression.

At the snap, in any case, we mightily jumped, for the masterpiece we had for three or four months been living with had made us feel its presence as a luminous lesson and a daily need. We recognised more than ever that it had been, for high finish, the gem of our collection we found what a blank it left on the wall. Lady Beldonald might fill up the blank, but we couldn't.

The sacrifice of the portrait was a sacrifice to the true inwardness of Lady Beldonald, and did much, for the time, I divined, toward muffling their domestic tension. All it was thus in her power to say and I heard of a few cases of her having said it was that she was sure I would have painted her beautifully if she hadn't prevented me.

Munden was naturally what had happened and whether I understood. Oh I understood perfectly, and what I at first most understood was that even when I had brought in the name of Mrs. Brash intelligence wasn't yet in Mrs. Munden. She was quite as surprised as Lady Beldonald had been on hearing of the esteem in which I held Mrs. Brash's appearance.

Brash's distant perfection of a little white old face, in which every wrinkle was the touch of a master; but something else, I suddenly felt, was not less so, for Lady Beldonald, in the other quarter, and though she couldn't have made out the subject of our notice, continued to fix us, and her eyes had the challenge of those of the woman of consequence who has missed something.