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He is of Preussen, or Prussia Proper, this Kalkstein; of the same kindred as that mutinous Kalkstein, whom we once heard of, who was "rolled in a carpet," and kidnapped out of Warsaw, in the Great Elector's time. Not a direct descendant of that beheaded Kalkstein's but, as it were, his NEPHEW so many times removed.

As soon as he landed, the Egyptians, by Pothinus's orders, stabbed and beheaded him on the sand. Pothinus and his council had decided that this would be the safest course.

He was also accused of going to the Protestant preachings for the sake of participating in the alms distributed an these occasions, a crime for which many other paupers were executed. An old man of sixty- two was sent to the scaffold for having permitted his son to bear arms among the volunteers. Ten, twelve, twenty persons, were often hanged, burned, or beheaded in a single day.

Subsequently, fifteen of these leaders were led out at midnight and beheaded. It will be presently seen that the term is partly misleading. After his escape from Oki, Go-Daigo remained for some time in the fortress of Funanoe, in Hoki. Kamakura fell on the 5th of July, and his Majesty entered Kyoto on the 17th of that month. While in Hoki he issued various rescripts having special significance.

He first beheaded one of the consuls, and ordered his head to be set up, as a public spectacle, in the most conspicuous place in the city. This was the beginning.

Therefore she was easily captured, and the next day was beheaded in the market-place. Afterwards the two princes marched back to Greece. Lineik had no longer any reason for putting off her wedding, and married the Prince of Greece at the same time that Sigurd married the princess.

Their bodies were dragged to the blocks, and with one stroke to each, they were beheaded. With a shout of triumph, that spread far and wide, the people acclaimed Apleon as "God Almighty." "Let no man touch that carrion, to bury it!" Was the order of Apleon. That was to be doubly his hour of triumph. All arrangements had been made for his official coronation.

The worship of royalty being founded in unreason, these graceful and harmless cats would easily become as sacred as any other royalties, and indeed more so, because it would presently be noticed that they hanged nobody, beheaded nobody, imprisoned nobody, inflicted no cruelties or injustices of any sort, and so must be worthy of a deeper love and reverence than the customary human king, and would certainly get it.

Justinian then built the fortified monastery near Mount Sinai, to guard the only pass by which Egypt could be entered without the help of a fleet; and when it was found to be commanded by one of the higher points of the mountain he beheaded the engineer who built it, and remedied the fault, as far as it could be done, by a small fortress on the higher ground.

All the citizens were immediately disarmed, the commandant and his son beheaded; thirty-six of the most guilty of the rebels, among whom were La Grange and another Calvinistic preacher, Guido de Bresse, atoned for their obstinacy at the gallows; all the municipal functionaries were deprived of their offices, and the town of all its privileges.