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She seldom joined their more boisterous diversions, nor talked their talk, and she never manoeuvred for their men. But they liked her, and their attitude showed a certain respect, forced from them by they knew not what. The powers in the office spoke of Mary Beechinor as 'a very superior girl.

'Mark, lad, the other said, softening, 'I'm worth seven hundred pounds and this freehold house. What dost think o' that? Even in that moment, with the world and its riches slipping away from his dying grasp, the contemplation of this great achievement of thrift filled Edward Beechinor with a sublime satisfaction.

'Miss Beechinor, ye will let us in I charge ye. 'It's useless, Mr. Baines. 'I'll break the door down. I'm a strong man, and a determined. Ye are carrying things too far. In another moment the two men heard the creak of the bolts. Mary stood before them, vaguely discernible, but a forbidding figure. 'If you must come upstairs, she said coldly. 'Stay here in the passage, Arthur, said Mr.

At the age of fourteen he sat in a grimy room with an old man on one side of him, a copying-press on the other, and a law-stationer's almanac in front, and he earned half a crown a week. But now he, Edward Beechinor, was the old man, and the indispensable lad of fourteen, who had once been himself, was another lad, perhaps thirtieth of the dynasty of office-boys.

The paintresses, however, have some slight advantage over the mill-girls in the outward reticences of demeanour, due no doubt to the fact that their ancient craft demands a higher skill, and is pursued under more humane and tranquil conditions. Mary Beechinor worked in the 'band-and-line' department of the painting-shop at Price's.