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"It is said that fifty members of the majority have signed a protest at M. Odilon Barrot's house. "This evening there is an increasing uneasiness at the Elysée. Incendiarism is feared. Two battalions of engineer-sappers have reinforced the Fire Brigade. Maupas has placed guards over the gasometers.

"They begin to fear already that they have gone too far, those discreet men!" said Louis Blanc, smiling bitterly. "Did you observe how they shuffled to-night at M. Barrot's, and finally resolved to abandon the banquet, but, as a sop to the people, pledged themselves to impeach the Ministry?"

M. de Remusat, who was seated between the prince and myself, remarked to me loud enough for Louis Bonaparte to hear: "I give my best wishes to Louis Bonaparte and my vote to Cavaignac." Louis Bonaparte at the time was feeding Mme. Odilon Barrot's greyhound with fried gudgeons. The proclamation of Louis Bonaparte as President of the Republic was made on December 20.

The president said: "M. Sarrans will allow M. Louis Napoleon Bonaparte to speak." He made a few insignificant remarks and descended from the tribune amid a general laugh of stupefaction. November 1848. On November 19 I dined at Odilon Barrot's at Bougival.

At Odilon Barrot's ball on January 28 M. Thiers went up to M. Leon Faucher and said: "Make So-and-So a prefect." M. Leon Faucher made a grimace, which is an easy thing for him to do, and said: "Monsieur Thiers, there are objections." "That's funny!" retorted Thiers, "it is precisely the answer the President of the Republic gave to me the day I said: 'Make M. Faucher a Minister!"