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'It is not my foreign mode of pronouncing cricket, Herr Lieutenant, said she pertly, 'but I guessed already you had never heard of it. 'It is an out-of-door affair, said Dick indolently, 'made for the diffusion of worked petticoats and Balmoral boots. 'I should say it is the game of billiards brought down to universal suffrage and the million, lisped out Walpole.

The seaside villa of Osborne, built at the Queen's own charges at a cost of L200,000, and the remote castle of Balmoral, the creation of the Prince-Consort, were the favourite homes of the royal household: the creations as it were, of their domestic love, and inwrought with their own personalities, as statelier Windsor could never be.

The poor little fellow, Prince Alfred, Duke of Edinburgh, the bold mariner of the family, probably cried out then that he would "never, never be a sailor." In a letter from Balmoral, written on his thirtieth birthday, the Prince- Consort says: "Victoria is happy and cheerful the children are well and grow apace; the Highlands are glorious."

This year the Balmoral stay was greatly saddened by the news of the Sepoy rebellion, of the tragedies of Cawnpore, and the unspeakable atrocities of Nana Sahib.

Lady Ouseley frequently had the honor of being escorted by the President in her afternoon walks, sometimes attended by her daughter, who wore the first crimson balmoral petticoat seen in Washington.

Every moment of her day was mapped out beforehand; the succession of her engagements was immutably fixed; the dates of her journeys to Osborne, to Balmoral, to the South of France, to Windsor, to London were hardly altered from year to year.

The charms of natural scenery, greatly as they were appreciated, required now and then to be relieved by a little excitement, and the Queen and Prince hit upon an ingenious plan of procuring this. They would issue forth from Balmoral in hired carriages, with horses to match, and would drive to some Highland town, and dine and dress at its inn, under assumed names.

Kipling gave prominence in the poem published on the day of the Balmoral meeting, although no one was less prone than he to magnify a "side-show" in Imperial policy; and it was the same note that again was sounded on the eve of the Covenant by another distinguished English poet.

Much sympathy is just now felt everywhere for the ex-queen of England in her enforced retirement. She would have been perfectly safe in returning to England; and she will, probably, before long, again take up her residence at Osborne or Balmoral; but the extreme unpopularity of the ex-king makes his return at least undesirable. During our present, 71st Congress, meeting at St.

At Balmoral the following autumn, the Queen heard of the death of her most illustrious subject the Duke of Wellington, and green are those "Leaves" in the journal of her "life in the Highlands," devoted to his memory. She wrote of him as a sovereign seldom writes of a subject, glowingly, gratefully, tenderly. "One cannot think of this country, without 'the Duke, our immortal hero" she said.