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"`I've an idea that I've too many fleas about me to confess to you just now, Father McGrath, and that's the truth on it. So a pleasant walk back to you. "So you'll perceive, my son, that having got all the information from Mrs O'Rourke, it's back I went to Ballyhinch, till I heard it whispered that there were doings down at the old house at Ballycleuch.

"'I've an idea that I've too many fleas about me to confess to you just now, Father M'Grath, and that's the truth on it. So a pleasant walk back to you. "So you'll perceive, my son, that having got all the information from Mrs O'Rourke, it's back I went to Ballyhinch, till I heard it whispered that there were doings down at the old house at Ballycleuch.

Being in a desperate hurry, I hired a jaunting car to take me to my father's house. `Is it the O'Brien of Ballyhinch that you mane? inquired the spalpeen who drove the horse. `Sure it is, replied I; `and how is he, and all the noble family of the O'Briens? `All well enough, bating the boy Tim, who caught a bit of confusion in his head the other night at the fair, and now lies at home in bed quite insensible to mate or drink; but the doctors give hopes of his recovery, as all the O'Briens are known to have such thick heads. `What do mane by that, bad manners to you? said I; `but poor Tim how did it happen was there a fight? `Not much of a fight only a bit of a skrummage three crowner's inquests, no more. `But you are not going the straight road, you thief, said I, seeing that he had turned off to the left. `Is your honour in a hurry to get home?

Being in a desperate hurry, I hired a jaunting-car to take me to my father's house. 'Is it the O'Brien of Ballyhinch that you mane? inquired the spalpeen who drove the horse. 'Sure it is, replied I; 'and how is he, and all the noble family of the O'Briens?"

It was the ghost of a garment; but, however, with the blessing of God, my last quarterly bill, and the help of a tailor, we have had a regular refit, and the ancient family of the O'Briens of Ballyhinch are now rigged from stem to stern. My two sisters are both to be spliced to young squireens in the neighbourhood; it appears that they only waited for a dacent town gown to go to the church in.

It was the ghost of a garment; but, however, with the blessing of God, my last quarterly bill, and the help of a tailor, we have had a regular refit, and the ancient family of the O'Briens of Ballyhinch are now rigged from stem to starn. My two sisters are both to be spliced to young squireens in the neighbourhood; it appears that they only wanted for a dacent town gown to go to the church in.