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Yes, thought Connel to himself, as Stefens' voice began to crackle harshly on the audiograph, if Manning was guilty, then Manning would most certainly pay. Connel would see to that. Deep in the heart of the space station, Loring and Mason were huddled over steaming cups of coffee whispering to each other cautiously. "Want more coffee, Mason?" asked Loring.

Connel smiled. He was reluctant to press for an investigation of the radar deck, knowing that if he did, it would mean a damaging black mark against Manning. But justice was justice, and Connel came closer to worshiping justice than anything else in space! Connel placed the spool of tape in the audiograph and settled in a chair to listen. He didn't like the entire affair.

Roaring with jubilation and jumping high in the air at every other step, Astro raced out of the gigantic maintenance hangar at the Venusport spaceport and charged at his two unit mates waiting on the concrete apron. "Everything's O.K.," he yelled, throwing his arms around them. "The Polaris is going to be brought in for full repairs! I just saw the audiograph report from the maintenance chief!"

As the giant Venusian advanced on Barret, the man shrank back in his chair, eyes widening in sudden fear. When Astro stretched out his huge hand and grabbed him by the front of his jacket, he screamed in fright. "All right, all right!" he cried out. "I'll talk! Devers did it! He made me do it! He's responsible for the whole thing!" "Turn on that audiograph, Corbett!" shouted Connel.