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The age of a manuscript may sometimes be determined among other characteristics by the fineness and whiteness of the vellum, and sometimes by its purple colour. The MSS. numbered 2788, 2820, and 2821 in the Harleian library are described by Astle as purple-stained, whereas they are only thus painted in places intended to receive the golden letters.

Your obliged and most humble servant, SAM, JOHNSON. June 23, 1781. 'To THOMAS ASTLE, Esq. 'I am ashamed that you have been forced to call so often for your books, but it has been by no fault on either side.

Isaac Reed's copy is also in the British Museum, but his notes were transcribed from another copy in the possession of J. Putland, and Putland's copy, Reed notes, was "formerly in the possession of Philip Carteret Webb, Esq., now of Thomas Astle, Esq."

After his return to London from this excursion, I saw him frequently, but have few memorandums: I shall therefore here insert some particulars which I collected at various times. The Reverend Mr. Astle, of Ashbourne, in Derbyshire, brother to the learned and ingenious Thomas Astle , Esq., was from his early years known to Dr.

Of the Ducs de Treviso, de Conegliano, Serurier, and Perignan I had no doubt, as I saw them again several times, but I am not sure that I should know the others except from a recollection of their pictures. I will describe a few while their countenances are fresh upon my memory. Ney is a fine, handsome man, but remarkably fair with light curling hair, and struck us very like Mrs. Parker, of Astle.

Thrale's bill at the inn for dinner was eighteen shillings and tenpence. At night I went to Mr. Langley's, Mrs. Wood's, Captain Astle, &c. We left Ashbourn and went to Buxton, thence to Pool's Hole, which is narrow at first, but then rises into a high arch; but is so obstructed with crags, that it is difficult to walk in it.

Astle lent me an extract of it, with other usual assistances; and Mr. Chamberlain of the great wardrobe obliged me with the perusal of the original; favours which I take this opportunity of gratefully acknowledging. Let no body tell me that these robes, this magnificence, these trappings for a cavalcade, were for the use of a prisoner.

The will of King Alfred, alluded to in this letter, from the original Saxon, in the library of Mr. Astle, has been printed at the expense of the University of Oxford. He was a surgeon in this small Norfolk town. Dr. Burney's Memoirs, i. 106. Burney visited Johnson first in 1758, when he was living in Gough Square. Ante, i. 328. Mme. D'Arblay says that Dr. Johnson sent them to Dr.