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All the coats are thickened, chiefly by an increased development of connective tissue, and in some cases changes similar to those of arterio-sclerosis occur. The walls of varicose veins are often exceedingly brittle. In some cases the thickening is uniform, and in others it is irregular, so that here and there thin-walled sacs or pouches project from the side of the vein.

Anatomy INJURIES OF ARTERIES: Varieties INJURIES OF VEINS: Air Embolism Repair of blood vessels and natural arrest of hæmorrhage HÆMORRHAGE: Varieties; Prevention; Arrest Constitutional effects of hæmorrhage Hæmophilia DISEASES OF BLOOD VESSELS: Thrombosis; Embolism Arteritis: Varieties; Arterio-sclerosis Thrombo-phlebitis Phlebitis: Varieties VARIX ANGIOMATA Nævus: Varieties; Electrolysis Cirsoid aneurysm ANEURYSM: Varieties; Methods of treatment ANEURYSMS OF INDIVIDUAL ARTERIES.

For very anæmic persons, however, the weak alkaline and saline waters should be selected; or they should confine themselves to chalybeate waters containing an excess of sulphate of soda. Water containing sulphate of soda is also indicated as a beverage where there are troubles of the circulatory apparatus; it is contraindicated only in accentuated arterio-sclerosis.

This disciple, and his son to a less extent, were men of a newer and more enlightened school; and the elder man, by bold experiments, reduced his patient's arterio-sclerosis to the point of what seemed to be convalescence. But the treatment was tedious and lasted on into the summer, so that the novelist was left weak and delicate at the end.

Arterio-sclerosis also interferes with the natural arrest of hæmorrhage, and by rendering the vessels brittle, makes it difficult to secure them by ligature. In advanced cases the accessible arteries such as the radial, the temporal or the femoral may be felt as firm, tortuous cords, which are sometimes so hard that they have been aptly compared to "pipe-stems."

In that commonly fatal condition of the arteries which follows rapidly upon the state of blood pressure known as hardening of the arteries, or arterio-sclerosis, a practically incurable condition hitherto, the results obtained by the goat-gland transplantation are miraculously swift.

Rupture of a gastric or duodenal ulcer; rupture of liver, spleen, or extra-uterine gestation, or abdominal aneurism. Suffocation during an epileptic fit; vomited matter or other material drawn into the trachea or air-passages; croup. Arterio-sclerosis may lead to thrombosis, embolism, or aneurism.

Syphilis plays an important part in the production of aneurysm, probably by predisposing the patient to arterio-sclerosis and atheroma, and inducing an increase in the vascular tension in the peripheral vessels, from loss of elasticity of the vessel wall and narrowing of the lumen as a result of syphilitic arteritis.

The first sign of old age is impotency, and more men are reaching a premature impotency than ever before in the history of the world. Their glands are burning up, as it were. After impotency is well on its way arterio-sclerosis or hardening of the arteries is noticed, then the mental inefficiency, as well as physical weakness. Right on the heels of impotency comes prostatitis.

#Senile Gangrene.# Senile gangrene is the commonest example of local death produced by a gradual diminution in the quantity of blood passing through the parts, as a result of arterio-sclerosis or other chronic disease of the arteries leading to diminution of their calibre. It is the most characteristic example of the dry type of gangrene.