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Here Jurgen glanced sidewise at his shadow, and he cleared his throat. "Oh, and a most charming and a most estimable old lady I found this AEsred to be, I can assure you also." "I would prefer to know nothing about it," said Anaitis, hastily, "I would prefer, for both our sakes, that you say no more of AEsred." Jurgen shrugged.

There were features connected with this procession sufficiently unusual to cause Jurgen to vow that the desiderated moment wherein he walked unhurt from the forest would mark the termination of his last visit thereto. Then amazement tripped up the heels of terror: for now passed Mother Sereda, or, as Anaitis had called her, AEsred.

"Who is that?" he inquired, of Anaitis. Looking a little troubled, Anaitis told him this was AEsred. "Well, I have heard her called otherwise: and I have seen her in quite other clothing." "You have seen AEsred!" "Yes, with a kitchen towel about her head, and otherwise unostentatiously appareled but very becomingly, I can assure you!"

"O godmother, but do give rein to your better instincts and all that sort of thing, and speak with me more candidly! Come now, dear lady, there should be no secrets between you and me. In Leuke you were reported to be Cybele, the great Res Dea, the mistress of every tangible thing. In Cocaigne they spoke of you as AEsred. And at Cameliard Merlin called you Aderes, dark Mother of the Little Gods.

Now in the Library of Cocaigne was garnered a record of all that the nature myths had invented in the way of pleasure. And here, with no companion save his queer shadow, and with AEsred arched above and bleakly regarding him, Jurgen spent most of his time, rather agreeably, in investigating and meditating upon the more curious of these recreations.