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How can you, mavourneen, walk all the way to Dublin, and you so worn and weakly with that sickness, and the bad feedin' both before and since? Och, give it up, achree, and stay wid us, let what will happen. You're not able for sich a journey, indeed you're not.

"It's fine talk," observed Fardorougha, "but what I advise has been done by hundreds that wor married an' happy afterwards; how an iver you needn't get into a passion, either of you; I'm not pressin' you, Connor, to it." "Connor, achree," said his mother, "go to bed, an' instead of the advice you got, ax God's; go, avillish!"

When I was tellin' her yisterday that you wor to get the bishop's letter for Maynewth to-morrow, she was in so poor a state of health that she nearly fainted. I had to give her a drink of wather, and sprinkle her face with it. Well, she's a purty crathur, an' a good girl, an' was always that, dear knows!" "Denis achree," said his mother, somewhat alarmed, "are you any way unwell?

No, indeed; we wor too long together, Pether, and lived too happily wid one another, for you to have the heart to think of sich a thing!" "No, in troth, Ellish, I would be long sarry to do it. It's displasin' to you, achree, an' I won't say it. God spare you to us!

'I'd back one man from Corkshire To bate ten more from Yorkshire: Kerrymen Agin Derrymen, And Munster agin creation, Wirrasthrue! 'tis a pity we aren't a nation! Here he slackened his pace as we passed a small bosthoon driving a donkey, to call out facetiously, "Be good to your little brother, achree!" "We must be very near Coolkilla House by this time," said Francesca.