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They both sang and acted to perfection; but Wagner pooh-poohed at them and everything else. Abscheulich and graesslich alternated in his condemning sentences. Nothing pleased him. He fidgeted about and was very cross during the fifth act, where the ballet is danced. "Why did Gounod insert that idiotic ballet? It is banal and de trop."

Do you mind having your coffee mit?" The girls began to clear up. "Leelly, Leely, Leely Pfaff," muttered Clara as she helped, "so einfach und niedlich," she mimicked, "ach was! Schwarmerei das find' ich abscheulich! I find it disgusting!" So that was it. It was the new girl. Lily, was Fraulein Pfaff. So the new girl wore her hair in a classic knot. How lovely.

Fräulein Müller suggested that it was in just such weather as this that a well brought up young lady, a young lady with Vernunft and Anstand, should devote herself to the improvement of her mind. 'Let us read German this abscheulich afternoon, said the Fräulein. 'Suppose we go on with the "Sorrows of Werther." 'Werther was a fool, cried Mary; 'any book but that.

Jetz konnen Sie nach Hause immer aug gleichem Fusse gehen. Naturlich! Jedermann weisst wie abscheulich kraftig Schwedischer Punsch ist. Die Strasse ist ganz leer. Gluckliche Heimkehr, Herr Ober-Inspector!" It was difficult to attend the Club without becoming a connoisseur in various kinds of German beer.