United States or Guinea-Bissau ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

The men entered and found it dusk and warm, smelling of horses, the river, fifteen feet below, showing through the cracks between the heavy logs of the floor. The marching feet sounded hollowly, voices reverberated. "Just like our bridge told you 'twas Ain't it like, Billy Maydew?" "It air," said Billy. "I air certainly glad that we air a-crossing on a bridge.

I do hope and believe He will. "We heard a noise of horses in the valley, and the clank of swords no doubt the mounted police from Winchester a-crossing of the Moonstock Bridge to search our house for the runaway. And the Captain took my hand, and said, 'I trust them to you. Hide the clothes I took off, that they may not know I have been here.

"I can't see why you won't let me go to sea. I'm sure I've asked you often enough." "Aye; and I'm sure I've had to refuse you jest as often." "Why, father?" "For your own good, sonny." "I can't see it, father," I rejoined. "Look at them Saint Vincent boys in that cutter a-crossing our bows now. How jolly they all seems working at their proper calling, just as I'd like to be!"

Flora's is not long: it says that she and Annas have reached the Isle of Wight in safety, and were but three hours a-crossing from Portsmouth; and she begs me, if I can obtain it, to send her some news of Angus. My Lady De Lannoy was extreme kind to them both, and Flora says she is very comfortable, and would be quite happy but for her anxiety about my Uncle Drummond and Angus.