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The fugitives were supposed to be a Tartar general and his wife, escaping from their enemies after a great battle. The fighting was renewed at intervals with great noise and spirit. Some of the costumes were very fine, and cost from 30l. to 40l. apiece.

They were heard miles off, and Brunel, delighted, ordered a hundred. But when the bill came in, it was found that the charge made for them was very high as much as 40L. the set. The company demurred at the price, Brunel declaring it to be six times more than the price they had before been paying. "That may be;" rejoined Clement, "but mine are more than six times better.

I after dinner to even all my accounts of this month; and bless God, I find myself, notwithstanding great expences of late; viz. 80l. now to pay for a necklace; near 40l. for a set of chairs and couch; near 40l. for my three pictures: yet I do gather, and am worth 5200l.

He continued to do what he could for the sufferer, to whose honourable, though injudicious conduct he bears a strong testimony, and long afterwards obtained for him a pension of 40l. from the Civil List, which is, I fear, Captain Snow's only support in his old age. In August 1859 Fitzjames was made recorder of Newark.