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Stephenson here will make you forget all that undesirable knowledge before long lost in a maze of Euclid, and Latin, and Greek, and trigonometry, and things!" "I say!" gasped Norah. "Well, you may," grinned the doctor. "I foresee lively times for you and your tutor in the paths of learning, young lady. First of all, however, you'll have to be under-nurse to our friend the patient, with Mrs.

Years afterwards, when scrapped to a colliery, the veteran engine was still able, in an emergency, to make four miles in four and a half minutes. 'Truly, declared Cropper, one of the directors who had stood out for the stationary engine and the miles of rope, 'now has George Stephenson at last delivered himself.

Stephenson took the opportunity of paying a visit to Killingworth, accompanied by some of the distinguished savans whom he numbered amongst his friends.

During all this time, George Stephenson never for a moment ceased to study and endeavour to understand the working of every part in the engine that he tended.

With the view of economising labour, Stephenson laid down inclined planes where the nature of the ground would admit of this expedient.

For some days previous to the appointed day of battle, Nelson went entirely off work for the purpose of keeping himself fresh and strong, whereas Stephenson went on doing his daily work as usual, and appeared not in the least disconcerted by the prospect of the affair.

Stephenson was consulted as to the name of the coach, and he at once suggestedThe Experiment;” and by this name it was called. The Company’s arms were afterwards painted on her side, with the mottoPericulum privatum utilitas publica.” Such was the sole passenger-carrying stock of the Stockton and Darlington Company in the year 1825.

To his family he has always been Ste. This name, a contraction of Stephenson, was found for him by his big brothers in the days when home-made soldiers and birds'-nesting were life's main business.

George Stephenson was not the first person to construct either a locomotive or a tramway. Both were already in use, in more or less rude forms, at several collieries.

This prodigy of mechanical skill should be a sufficient inducement to strangers from other lands to visit our shores, and though designed by the son of the immortal George Stephenson, it was Canadian hands that helped him to execute his great project to raise that glorious monument to his fame, which we hope, will outlast a thousand years.