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The equivalent, Medart thought, of someone with PK Talent exciting the molecules of the wick to ignition temperature. He'd never shown any trace of that aspect his only Talents, besides the basic mind-screen and telepathy, were healing and darlas but this was supposed to be magic, not psionics; he had no reason not to try.

1/8 lb. butter " 25 " 3 1/8 " 1/2 " bacon " 25 " 12 1/2 " 1/16 pk. potatoes at 60 cts. per bush 15/16 " 1/2 pt. hominy at 6 cts 3 " 27 1/16 1/3 of total 09 1/48 cts. 1/3 total 08 1/48 " To rent of one room and furniture, for one night, in furnished house of fifteen rooms at $6.00 per week for whole house 05 3/8 " Amount due 22 17/24 cts.

Well Al it was just like sometimes when they are trying a man for murder and he says he couldn't of did it because he was over to the Elite jazing when it come off and a little wile later the lawyer asks him where did he say he was at when the party was croked and he forgets what he said the 1st. time and says he was out to Lincoln Pk. kidding the bison or something and the lawyer points out to the jury where his storys don't jib and the next thing you know he is dressed up in a hemp collar a couple sizes to small.

All looks promising for the night march. Wednesday, February 8. No. 7 Camp. Bearings: Lat. 78° 13'; Mt. Terror N. 3 W.; Erebus 23 1/2 Terror 2nd peak from south; Pk. 2 White Island 74 Terror; Castle Rk. 43 Terror. Night march just completed. 10 miles, 200 yards. The ponies were much shaken by the blizzard.